The Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat have announced the winners of the 15th edition of the CTBUH Tall Building Awards. From over 100 submissions, the best buildings from four regions – the Americas, Asia & Australasia, Europe and Middle East & Africa – were selected, along with recipients of the Urban Habitat Award, the Innovation Award, the Performance Award and the 10 Year Award. The CTBUH will pick a global winner from the regional selections later this year.
In the last century, the high-rise (a common contemporary word for buildings 12 or more stories high) became a common tool, made of concrete, to counter urban sprawl and social inequality. New York played a crucial role in the evolution of this global phenomenon. And as the world’s cities have grown, the residential high-rise has become a social and political barometer of urbanization’s successes and failures. We’ve paid surprisingly little attention to this part of the urban fabric.